Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Cider House Rules

The “Cider House Rules” is one of the most morally dangerous films I ever watched. The film is pro-abortion, and the events of the narrative are orchestrated to support that point of view. The movie presents a clear, one-sided argument in favor of abortion.
The film’s trails were very misleading; this was done to push the pro-abortion message to the public. I never felt so manipulated by just watching a movie. I thought the film was about a young man trying to explore life, and the relationship between unwanted orphan and nice doctor who spend all his life trying to help the unfortunates. I never knew that I would be watching a doctor who spends most of his life butchering babies.
Throughout the movie, the filmmaker’s solution to any problem seemed to be “make your own rule” and kill the people that are at the root of the problem. The backbones of the story were coordinated cleverly to support killing, which makes the movie morally dangerous.


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